Das nach dem vielen Schnee einsetzende Tauwetter tauchte die Landschaft mal wieder in Nebel.
Dieser ist mir langsam über, also erwäge ich Bildstudien umzusetzen, in denen Lichtquellen auftauchen. So ganz ohne Licht gehts bei mir einfach nicht.
2010 © Astrid Volquardsen
Oh, please do! You paint fog as well as anyone, and I'd love to see more. Including light sources sounds wonderful. It's too dry for much fog here in Colorado, so it's unfortunately rare. You can make our fog for us!
Jala Pfaff
I love these so much, Astrid.
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Sam and Jala,
thanks for your comments. The weather forcast says it will stay cold and foggy-so you're bound to see more of those.
Jala Pfaff
By the way, what size is this, and on what support? Thanks.
You're my hero in fog painting!
Casey Klahn
These are very loose, and yet so perfectly lovely.
Another beauty… can't wait to see more.
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi erverybody,
thanks for your coments. We had new snow and it seems that the snow-shovel has become a very close friend….that's why I'm a bit late answering your comments.
Jala, it's done on the Sennelier Pastel Card (17×27cm).
yes, they're very loose and that feels really good. I'm curious when my both painting styles will blend together.
Hi Astrid,
ist das ein Pastellbild oder ein Blick aus deinem Fenster??? Natürlich ist es ein Pastell, aber wundervoll diese Nebelstimmung. Hast du klasse einfangen können!
LG Claudia aus Burgstädt