Wenn Träume wahr werden

Windstärke 4, Pastell, 50×75cm, 2010
© Astrid Volquardsen


Vor ein paar Jahren haben meine Familie und ich einen fantastischen Segelurlaub in der Dänischen Südsee verbracht. Auf dem Traditionssegler Yukon waren wir Gast von David und Ea. Zwei der wunderbarsten Menschen, von denen wir je das Vergnügen hatten, sie kennen zu lernen. Von dieser Reise stammt auch das Bild Windstärke 4.
Schon während dieser Zeit sprachen die beiden von ihrem Traum, mit ihrer Familie einmal eine Weltumseglung zu unternehmen und nach Australien zu segeln, wo David herkommt.
Nun ist es tatsächlich soweit und die vier werden nächsten Monat ihre Segel setzen und für zweieinhalb Jahre die Weltmeere kreuzen. Wer möchte, kann sich übrigens Passagenweise auf ihrem wundervollen Schiff einmieten.

© Marc Volquardsen
© Marc Volquardsen

8 Responses

  1. Jala Pfaff
    | Antworten

    An amazing pastel!!

    I don't know anything about boats…but that one looks like a pirate ship to me. :)

  2. Werner Osterrath
    | Antworten

    ..Ich wünsche allen beteiligten allezeit gute Fahrt und immer eine Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel.
    Dazu natürlich Mast und Schotbruch….!!!!

  3. Astrid Volquardsen
    | Antworten

    Hi Jala,
    thanks for the compliment.
    Regarding the pirat factor: You know what? You sometimes actually feel like a pirat, because the ship is a wooden one. After a couple of days on a ship, you certainly look like one…:-)

    Hallo Herr Osterrath,
    danke für die netten Wünsche, aber wir werden wohl nicht mit von der Partie sein.

  4. SamArtDog
    | Antworten

    This "wind-force 4" pastel was on the easel in your post about your air filter system last January 31st. It's one of my all-time favorite images – anywhere. It immediately caught my eye and reminded me of my father. I sent him the link to your post, but the computer was a stretch for him so I sent him a photograph of it (my apologies for copying it without your permission). He loved your painting as much as I do, and we talked about it many times in the past months.

    My dad was a great sailor, a man with seawater in his veins and a real wooden-boat man (he'd love the Yukon!), and he loved looking at your pastel. I just got back from his memorial service in Maine. The photo of "Wind-force 4" was on the table next to his bed. I wanted to let you know that it gave him joy. I think that's why we make art. Thanks for making yours.

  5. Astrid Volquardsen
    | Antworten

    Hi Sam,
    thanks for letting me know this. I know how much you loved your father and it's a honour if a true sailsman is touched by a painting like this. You're right, that's why we're making art. To capture a feeling and bring joy to someone who catches this feeling too. I must admit I'm deeply touched right now, so thanks again.

  6. Brian McGurgan
    | Antworten

    Wow, stunning pastel Astrid. I thought it was a photo at first. It gives such a beautiful sense of the sail and clouds – that must have been a wonderful trip.

  7. Astrid Volquardsen
    | Antworten

    Hi Brian,
    thanks. Yes, it was one of those trips, where you're soul is deeply touched.

  8. loriann
    | Antworten

    WOW! Beautiful Astrid. I LOVE the daring composition. A direct contrast to the super realism..makes beautiful tension.

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