The Pastels of Henri Roché are known for its outstanding quality and among the artists‹ who used these are Degas, Chéret, Whistler and Sisley.
The family business was founded in 1720 and during the last years it was run by the two elderly sisters Denise and Giséle Roché, both aged 80 and only a small cliental was able to buy the pastels.
The business was handed over to Isabelle Roché and she has started to increase the production of the different colors, which once were available. In the 1930 they had a collection of over 1650 colors. Just imagine that!
Roche has a website in French and English, with interesting information, videos and links, where you can buy the pastels outside of France.

This is a video about Isabelle Rochés work. It’s only in French, but it’s a feast for every pastelartists eyes.

Edgar Degas hat diesen Kasten benutzt.
Oh…….wirklich ein Traum *seufz* Allein bei den Bildern schlägt mein Herz höher! Danke für den Link zur Webseite. Da werde ich gleich mal mit dem Morgenkaffee vor mir stöbern gehen :-)
Hattest Du schon Gelegenheit mit diesen Pastellen zu arbeiten? Sind sie so weich wie die Sennelier oder gehen sie eher in Richtung der Girault?
Viele liebe Grüße
Astrid Volquardsen
Hallo Kendra,
nein, bis jetzt noch nicht.Aber ich habe mir ein paar wenige bestellt.
Hallo Astrid,
das war sehr interessant mal zu sehen, was für eine Arbeit die Herstellung von Kreiden macht. Und diese vielen Farben, ich bin gleich hin und weg! Danke fürs zeigen!
LG Claudia
Casey Klahn
I admire the Roche line – they have an air of authority and exclusivity.
Seeing the Degas pastel box gives me the shakes – what an artifact!
Thank you for posting this information. I especially enjoyed the video!
Astrid Volquardsen
Hallo Claudia,
es ist wirklich beeindruckend, welche Handarbeit in diese Pastelle geht. Dir großen Firmen haben zwar viele Abläufe automatisiert, aber auch bei denen bleibt noch sehr viel Handarbeit übrig.
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Casey,
you know, I never thought about the word artifact, but your are right. It was on an exhibition in Paris two years ago. When I saw it, I almost felt to my feet and worhshiped it like somekind of a holy shrine.:-)
All the other visitors passed by hardly noticing it…
No pastellists I assumed….
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this and listening to what
Isabelle had to say. For her, going to work everyday must be pure pleasure!
Jala Pfaff
Do you have any of these pastels? If so, what are they like compared to other brands?
Happy holidays.
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Jala,
I now have some of them and I am going to do another post about them.