Full speed ahead!


Volle Kraft VorausFull speed ahead, 5×5 inch, Pastel
© Astrid Volquardsen, 2011

Who would have thought that the title Full speed ahead would make such a good new years resolution? Sometimes I think what a great pity it is, that you can’t see these small pastels with your own eyes. The pigment is just glowing, being a small red explosion.

This last year has been a really good one for me with many different experiences. The very last one was a trip to the Swiss company Caran d´Ache in Geneva. They have developed a new pastel pencil line which will be launched in the beginning of 2012. I was invited to their production and my synapses were glowing for two days. You can read the report about the how when what why next year when I say again: Full speed ahead!


1 Responses

  1. Werner Osterrath
    | Reply

    ..Das Bild ist Programm !
    Volle Kraft voraus ins neue Jahr !
    Der Hamburger aus Nürnberg wünscht ihnen und ihrer Familie alles Gute für 2012.
    …Natürlich auch allen Fans von dieser Seite
    Werner Osterrath aus Nürnberg

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