Someone told me that women can spend days with shoe shopping. Well, I definately don’t belong to that kind. Speaking of pastels, this is a completly different story. In a shopping frenzy I bought this set of Terrages Green by Diane Tonwsend. When I opened the box I wondered, what had gotton into myself. Usually these are not my favourite colors. Since my workshop with Margaret Dyer I am much more relaxed when it comes to bright colors and Richard McKinley once wrote, that sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone. In the end it was Lorinn Signori who dispelled my doubts. She compared painting to cooking:
»2 cups seeing
stir in 1 1/2 cups feeling
when the bubbles rise, sprinkle liberally with harmony
And then drizzle with insight.«
So, I guess I bought some new ingrediants and I’m curious how these spices might influence my future cooking.
You go girl!!! Those spices are bound to make a new tasty meal!
Thanks for the mention!
Casey Klahn
You won't regret these – they are the colors of the sea. Marvelous!
Hallo Astrid, das finde ich einfach wunderbar. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf deine "grüne Phase" Ich hatte gerade so etwas ähnliches in "Rot" und übrigens, was sind schon Schuhe im Vergleich zu neuer Kreide!!
Liebe Grüße Sonja
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Loriann,
well I guess all I can say now is. Guten Appetit!
I know you like the Townsend and I'm very curious what they will be like.
Astrid Volquardsen
Hallo Sonja,
wo du Recht hast, hast du Recht.
Jala Pfaff
Lecker lecker!
Astrid Volquardsen
Hi Jala,
that leaves a big smile on my face!
Casey Klahn
Spray a non-workable fixative (like Lascaux) on a pastel, and then scumble/drag the side of your Terrage on it. The effect is wonderful.
Yes, I did mean non-workable fixative.
These greens look all toooo delicious!!! I can only imagine in my wildest art dreams what you will create with them.