1st Workshop Day


Finally we had our first day of the workshop with Richard McKinley. In the morning he taught us all the theorie stuff and in the afternoon h took us outside and did a demo on the spot.

After that it was our turn to lay hands on a field sketch. For the first time I am working on the UART 400 ground and I am forced to work in a completely different way than I am used to. No blending here. But it is o.k, because I am interested in the wet underpainting techniques, which he is going to show us tommorow.

17.06.2011 - Painting Spot
17.06.2011 – Painting Spot

In this workshop I met pastelartist and blogger Loriann for the first time. We know each other from our blogs. Funny enough we choosed the same painting spot and our paintings couldn’t be more differnt. It was so much much fun and I enjoyed this first day a lot.

Skagit County, Pastell, 2011
Skagit County, Pastell, 2011, © Astrid Volquardsen

2 Responses

  1. Casey Klahn
    | Reply

    Your paintings are very good!!


  2. Hallo Astrid!

    Dieses UArt habe ich bei Loriann schon so oft unter ihren Bildern gelesen und habe mich immer gefragt, was das wohl sein mag. Du sagst, auf diesem Papier(?) sei nichts verwischbar. Ist es so ein samtiger Untergrund, oder wie kann ich es mir vorstellen?
    Ich bin schon drauf und dran mir so ein Papiermuster von Dakota-Art zu bestellen…
    Grüße an Loriann, mit der ich einen Kurs bei Deborah Paris gemacht habe!

    Völlig gespannt weiterlesend,
    Ulrike O:-)

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