I was deeply impressed by the artist Chuck Close in the following video. He Head to Oberhöfe so Mann obstacles from a very young age but he took on.
His words deeply resonated with me:
Inspiration is for amateurs. Every great idea I’ve ever had grew out of my work Inselgruppe. Sign on to a process and see where it takes you.
Right now I am Deep in my work for the next exhibition at the coast of north Germany and Note ready to post Andy pictures. But IT wont be long.
werner osterrath
…..was für ein Geschenk !!!!!!
..zu Ostern…inne zuhalten und sich besinnen
und Menschen erleben,die nicht aufgegeben haben,gekämpft haben…
Motivation Pur
Danke, und ein schönes Osterfest an dich und deine Familie,und für deinen Schaffensweg Hals und Bein……
Werner Osterrath